Jason Cyborowski Village President | Village Of Greendale
Jason Cyborowski Village President | Village Of Greendale
A survey conducted by the Village of Greendale in August 2022 received 802 responses, representing 13.9% of village households. The survey aimed to gather residents' opinions on municipal services and quality of life.
Residents expressed high satisfaction with Fire/EMS services, Police services, Library services, curbside garbage and recycling, elections and voting, Village Hall customer service, and community events. However, dissatisfaction was noted with tax assessments, road maintenance, code enforcement, building permits, tree removal and replacement, and the village website.
Low crime/safety was identified as a key reason for living in Greendale, followed by the quality of neighborhoods. Parks and greenspaces were well-received in terms of neighborhood conditions, while road conditions were less satisfactory.
Survey participants showed strong support for park improvements and infrastructure enhancements but were less enthusiastic about new multi-family residential developments. A majority expressed satisfaction with public safety matters and response times.
Regarding consolidating services with neighboring municipalities for enhanced service delivery and cost savings, 52.7% supported this idea under certain conditions. Additionally, 56.1% backed improvements to restrooms at village parks. Support varied between 25% to 50% for lighting/security upgrades, pavilions with restrooms, dog parks, and pickleball courts.
In the Southridge Mall area, mixed-use development received support from 74% of respondents who were either somewhat or very supportive. Restaurant offerings garnered the most support both in the Southridge Mall area and Historic Downtown area.
The survey results will guide future decisions by the Village Board. It was promoted through various channels including newsletters and social media platforms. Residents were encouraged to submit one response per household during the survey period from August 1 to August 15.