City Of Franklin issued the following announcement on Sept. 20
HEARING DATE: Tuesday, November 2, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.
PLACE: The Common Council Chambers at the Franklin City Hall, 9229 West Loomis Road, Franklin, Wisconsin 53132
APPLICANT: Stephen R. Mills, President of Bear Development, LLC (Ignasiak Investment Co., LLC and Ger Vang and Chia Vang, property owners). SUBJECT PROPERTY: Generally located on the east side of South 112th Street, east of the Ryan Meadows subdivision and west of the Franklin Savanna Natural Area (totaling approximately 92 acres).
TAX KEY NUMBERS: 892-9999-002, 937-9999-004 and 938-9999-011.
PROPOSAL: To amend the Future Land Use Map designation for the area consisting of three properties (two properties, 892-9999-002 and 937-9999-004, are designated as Recreational Use, covering approximately 74 acres (80% of the site), the remaining property, 938-9999-011, is designated as Residential Use, with a portion of land adjacent to South 112th Street designated as Areas of Natural Resource Features Use), from Recreational Use and Areas of Natural Resource Features Use to Residential Use.
City Development Department
(414) 425-4024
This public hearing is being held pursuant to the requirements of Wis. Stat. § 66.1001(4)(d). The public is invited to attend the public hearing and to provide input. A map showing the property affected, full legal description, the application and all supporting materials, are available for review and may be obtained from the City Council by way of request to the Department of City Development at Franklin City Hall, 9229 West Loomis Road, Franklin, Wisconsin 53132, telephone number (414) 425-4024, during normal business hours. The proposed ordinance to amend the City of Franklin 2025 Comprehensive Master Plan is available and open for inspection by the public in the Office of the City Clerk at Franklin City Hall, 9229 West Loomis Road, Franklin,Wisconsin 53132, during normal business hours. Any questions or comments about the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Master Plan may be directed to Heath Eddy, City of Franklin Planning Manager, at 414-425-4024.
Original source can be found here.