The property at 5400 S. 60th St., Greendale was sold on March 31 by Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, a Wisconsin Non-Stock Corp. Inc. for $8,200,000. The buyer was FUTURE1 LLC, a Wisconsin LLC.
The Libertarian Party of WI, a political party committee, received $107 during the week ending January 1, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.
The Franklin Professional Firefighters Political Action Committee, a PAC committee, received $198 during the week ending January 1, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.
The largest 100 political contributions made during the week ending February 5 can be found in the table below, according to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission.
The Friends for Jessie, a candidate campaign committee, received $40 during the week ending December 25, 2021, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.
The largest 100 political contributions made during the week ending January 22 can be found in the table below, according to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission.
The Libertarian Party of WI, a political party committee, received $125 during the week ending December 25, 2021, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.
The largest 100 political contributions made during the week ending January 15 can be found in the table below, according to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission.